Hmmm... My corner away from the rest of my supposed hectic and tension filled life... although me callin it a corner away from reality makes me sound realli lame as I am on the WWW....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bachelor's Guide to Survival

Well... hmmm... i learnt the delicate art of cooking.... only 2 dishes... one is the upma dish which we all very much savour and the other is fried potato (not french fries u dumb idiots)... unlike McDs, the south indian fried potato involves a cube like potato with numerous indian flavourings ( for details c below) that can be used as a supplement to our other dishes such as sambar and rasam chadam (yet to kearn dat)...

upma... my god.... the intricacies involved... well to be honest... my first time was not at all much of a success... it was too spicy... and my inflamed gums... the matter was all the more worse for me.... ended up addin everythin to the upma... haha... idli.. bread... i call it idli-bread-upma.... i mean.. wat else could i call it?? anywayz... check out the recipe for fried potato below... it might be useful for u..

Fried Potato


  1. 2 potatoes
  2. half a spoon salt
  3. some mustard seeds
  4. some oil
  5. chilli powder


  • boil the potato... cut the potato... into the cubes which i was talkin abt... add the salt... the chilli powder also...
  • add the oil to the vessel... then the mustard seeds.... then add the wonderful concoction from the prev step....
  • do the stirring... after a while u should get a sexy brown tinge...
  • then... voila... u have your delicacy readi to be served....


I realli would love to share this with u as well but do try and understand... it is veri veri long and if i do type it it would defeat the veri purpose of me creating this blog (which was to curb my boredom) altho the end result is simply amazing...

PS. I will add a video in order to compensate for the fact dat i was not able to add my idli-bread-upma recipe... SOON...


Anonymous said...

fuck you and ur stupid blog.

ZJam said...

dude...what has happened to u? writing about food!!!!